You might think that they only track your viewing habits to improve their algorithms and recommend shows, but they also use this information to help advertisers target specific users.
This can affect your privacy in many ways. For example, if an advertiser wants to sell a product that’s only relevant to women, they might ensure that ads are only shown to female viewers.
The more detailed the information about who is watching which shows, the more effective this targeting can be, but it comes at a cost: the loss of privacy.
With that in mind, here we cover how to delete your Netflix history and wipe your Disney Plus and Hulu watch history slates clean.
Delete Netflix watch history
Log into your account on your computerClick the profile icon in the top-right corner, then click through to your Account Click the downward-pointing arrow next to your profile to reach your Profile & Parental Controls. Then select Viewing Activity. You can see a complete list of your watch history. Use the Delete icon to remove items from this list, or scroll to the bottom and click Hide All to erase every entry.
Delete Disney Plus watch history
Unlike most other streaming services, Disney Plus does not have a watch history section. If you want to watch something and don’t want others who share your account to know that you watched it, it’s best to create a temporary profile.
Yes, it’s a bit of extra work, but unless you want your spouse to know you watched the next installment of the show you’re addicted to without them, this is your best option.
Launch the app, and from the home screen, select + Add Profile. Create a temporary profile. Click Done in the top-right corner to finish. After you’re finished streaming with wild abandon, click Edit Profiles on the home page. Look for the pen icon on your temporary profile. Click on Delete Profile.
Delete Hulu watch history
Go to the Hulu website and log in to your account. Click the My Account tab at the top of the page. Then click on Watch History. Click on Remove All to delete everything from your watch history at once, or selectively delete titles. When you’re done, click OK.
Don’t forget: if you’re serious about protecting your online privacy, you’ll need a solid cybersecurity plan. Check our how-tos for more tips on securing your digital life.